True Love | Teen Ink

True Love

April 27, 2014
By Lexii_59 BRONZE, Brockton, Massachusetts
Lexii_59 BRONZE, Brockton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nobody likes to fail. I want to succeed in everything I do, which isn't much. But the things that I'm really passionate about, if I fail at those, if I'm not successful, what do I have? -Eminem

I can't imagine anyone else besides you.
You make me smile even when I'm in a dark place.
When I'm around you, I no longer feel blue.
My heart no longer has an empty space.
Since the day we met, I knew my life would change.
I spend all of my day, with you on my mind.
All these feelings I have, feel so new and strange.
I really do believe that love is truly blind.
My heart skips a beat whenever your in sight.
I no longer feel alone and my sadness is gone.
When you are near me, everything feels right.
With just you on my mind, I have nothing to dwell on.
Our future together could be so strong.
So take my hand and come along.

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