Green Eyes | Teen Ink

Green Eyes

July 7, 2014
By LiliaK BRONZE, Morganville, New Jersey
LiliaK BRONZE, Morganville, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This too shall pass - Persian adage

'What do you love most about me'
holding my breath, hoping he doesn't hesitate
but there it is
his eyes flick to mine and his lips part
but nothing comes out
i avert my eyes, already rebuilding the walls within me
he grabs my arm and speaks
"Your eyes"
i look at him then but there is nothing special about my eyes
'They're just green'
and this i mean with true intent
no baits or fishing for compliments
his warmth and mintiness caress my cheek
"They're not just green
when you're favorite song comes on
they are the sun and the earth combined
when it's 2 am and a nightmare has roused you
they are dark, wooden, glinting with trust
in me to keep you safe
and i will
when i kiss your lips
or hold your hand
they are melted
and so much more than just green"
already i am grinning between my cartilage
but i need to hear it
'It's just a color'
and i know it's petty and insecure
but for once i need to be
"in your eyes i see a light that even a thousand galaxies with its thousands of suns couldn't match
i see the way your dad's death haunts you
and i see you making the decision to end his life
you know you did the right thing
but others convinced you that you could have done more
i see how much you yearn to do more
i know you hate mysteries
but you love the unknown
it's a contradiction but you embrace it
and i see the strength it gives you
i see the tiny cracks in your soul
from being broken
one too many times
and no one knew how to put you back together right
maybe i can't either
but i'd love to try
i never want to open my eyes
if yours aren't right in front of mine
because they are not just green
they are you

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