The Debbie Downer | Teen Ink

The Debbie Downer

February 4, 2015
By IndigoEdwarddz SILVER, Owings Mills, Maryland
IndigoEdwarddz SILVER, Owings Mills, Maryland
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People should fall in love with their eyes close." -Andy Worhol

ME and my masculine traits walk

together in the sun

and under the moon

people don't understand us

I don't really care


He understands me

he likes to wear boxers

and baggy clothes

so i don't stop him


He dosen't like out body sometimes

but i tell him to get used to it

after all it's his

isn't it


me and my masculine traits walk

like theres noone else in the world

who will catch us

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