This Time it's Goodbye | Teen Ink

This Time it's Goodbye

April 11, 2015
By worldnarrator GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
worldnarrator GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's too short to be perfunctory.

I know you like chocolate ice cream
And that Warrior made you cry.
I know you’re lethal (a kung fu expert),
But you’d never hurt anyone voluntarily, would you?

Your favourite movie: The Clockwork Orange
There’s a poster of Natalie Portman on your dilapidated wall.
I hated her irrationally, but you sated me.
“Emma Watson is incomparable to you.”
I nearly believed it.

I attempted to make you smile
By making a clever Lord of the Rings reference
Instead you informed me
You were more of a Star Wars guy.

I know your brother’s best friend drowned
In a stunt accident in the Atlantic
And seven year old you developed
A permanent fear of water.

Don’t be livid if you ever see this,
Don’t foam at the mouth (proverbially).
Don’t see red, my sweetheart,
I assure you nobody will discover it was you.

I know you've read Dune thirty times,
Personally I’ve never read a book thrice.
But you say you learn something every time
Because every second, we change.

Some of the details I’ve changed a bit
So your current significant other won’t discover it’s you.
Won’t suspect the secret kisses
I guiltily stole from you.

Don’t attempt to contact me ever again,
Every word you say unleashes a flood of memories
Washing away the arduous fruits
of my carefully cultivated brain.

My lover,
My eternal muse,
This is my public good-bye
Love letter to you.

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