One Chance | Teen Ink

One Chance

June 23, 2015
By SharpShot214 SILVER, Dinuba, California
SharpShot214 SILVER, Dinuba, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know". -Michel Legrand

I waited so long for god to give me a sign.

It never came so I stepped out of line.

But I can't quite give up at this time.

You see, I still have him on my side,

And I still have her on my mind.

And as long as I have those two things...

Why, I do believe I'll be just fine.

But if I die tomorrow, cut down in my prime

I'll go out with plenty of regrets, and many faults.

All of which, were entirely mine.

I can say I survived but never lived!

Took things how they were, never "what if'd."

But now it's time to make a change.

Time to jump in, take center stage.

I still have my best friend in my corner and love

that makes my heart dance.

That being said, I believe with this girl...

I might have a Chance.

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