Brick dust | Teen Ink

Brick dust

August 10, 2015
By worldnarrator GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
worldnarrator GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's too short to be perfunctory.

Red, like the colour of love and blood.

Red, like the colour of tranquility.

You were brick dust that made me

and crumbled imperceptibly, 

blowing away like so many insignificant atoms.

The zephyr was me, and borne on my cruel wings

you fled.

You salvaged your soul, 

leaving me with dusty dreams.

Now I lie in wait for your sunset breeze

in this hole that I call my home.

Your twisted smile will be

my lasting legacy.

The author's comments:

People have the ability to make us and break us. As relationships fade, parts of us sometimes cruble alongside.

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