Voyager | Teen Ink


October 26, 2015
By Piker2nd SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Piker2nd SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Turning waves.
Rolling along the horizon.
Slipping in and out of existence
Hitting their highs
then sweeping their lows.

Crashing down with thunderous clashes of mighty power.
Black as coal
rough and hard
spitting their salty waters in your face
Defying gravity.
Sheets from the deep sky
plummeting down to earth
She’s at her finest

Undulating under the golden sun.
Rippling puissant as the surging flag
hoisted high on my ship
Hypnotic oscillations
Her gold coin swings fore
Direction is lost,
yet the wind blows straight and strong
Cluelessly confident

She glitzes the way with auric dust
Drawing you into her Eden
Blood must be spilled
Her kismet deal
Ever worth the blissful embrace

The author's comments:

It's an extended metaphor that talks about life as the ocean, it's affect on you as the waves and weather, you as the ship you sail on and yourself, God as Mother Earth and Heaven as her Eden.

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