Morgana le Fey | Teen Ink

Morgana le Fey

November 10, 2015
By Piker2nd SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Piker2nd SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Black hair embroidered with golden thread
Thick and coiled  into intricate braids
Tall and pointed,
Walking with light steps,
quick as if to not wake the floor

A wilting smile as she discovers herself
Her silver lining begins to corrode.
With delicate fingers and a brave spirit
she fights for what she knows is right.

Beyond the law, she places her hand with caution.
Icy blue eyes, intense with focus
Lips forming words through their deep crimson
Palms exhale a breath of life
Saving what will kill her

The author's comments:

It's based off of the old tale of King Arthur and his betraying sister Morgana le Fey

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