Believe | Teen Ink


November 11, 2015
By hollie1998 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
hollie1998 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Endless waves.

Miraculous treasures

sinking into the darkness below,

each with their own stories to tell.


The silver chalice, engraved with ravenous flames, 

falling into great depths,   

when the hurricane waged war,

condemning all aboard to a fate unknown.


The little glass ballerina statue, 

symbolizing a father's love for his daughter, 

falling into great depths, 

with its' love unknown.


All of the treasure that sink

into the turquoise waters, 

 forgotten in the waves

that are unchained, wild and endless.

The author's comments:

My name is Hollie Duncan. I'm a junior at St. Joseph Catholic High School.

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