The Canopic Jars: The Sons of Horus | Teen Ink

The Canopic Jars: The Sons of Horus

November 30, 2015
By Kiki17 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kiki17 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each jar, handcrafted from pottery or limestone.
Each head, representing the four sons of Horus--
the guardians of the organs.
Each jar, contains one specific organ...
essential for the afterlife.

Hapi the baboon-headed god
preserved the lungs
conserved by Nephthys...
essential for the afterlife.

Duamutef the Jackal-headed god
preserved the stomach
conserved by Neith...
essential for the afterlife.

Imseti the human-headed god
preserved the liver
conserved by Iris...
essential for the afterlife.

Qebehsenuef Falcon-headed god
preserved the intestines
conserved by Serqet...
essential for the afterlife.

Each jar, preserving the organs
held in the canopic chest
within the heart of the tomb
the deceased now making a
continuation of their mortality.

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