The Ablutions of Daddy Long Legs | Teen Ink

The Ablutions of Daddy Long Legs

December 23, 2015
By worldnarrator GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
worldnarrator GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's too short to be perfunctory.

I watched the insect creep up the bathroom wall

Spindly legs struggling to break free
From the myriad microscopic beading drops

That sought to slow its ascent.

Two steps up, it went, and slid a step down.

Thus it continued for a while,
And I observed intently, the strange sense Of a noir thriller creeping into my mind.
The wall, being a cold, cruel, fickle surface,

Formed condensates with renewed vigour.

The poor insect struggled ever harder, Pushing forth, struggling for dry ground.
Two steps up and three steps down, now.
The swirling vortex of the basin waited below
Lapping greedily with all the pomp and voracity of an ocean.

It roared.

Monstrous waves rose and fell.
Soapy foam floated, ominously murky.
I looked at the insect, now almost at the top.

It emanated a cool confidence now.
I cheered it on, willing it forward.
Suddenly, a monstrous drop formed,
Hanging suspended for an eternal second before snaking down Deliberately slow, gathering momentum.
A river leaving a trail of clarity in its wake.
In a second, it reached the insect,
Which was instantaneously flung into the soapy recesses below. The river rejoiced, having found the ocean
And the insect was thrown into the gaping mouth of the dark drain.

The author's comments:

Have you ever stopped to observe seemingly insignificant life forms?

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