The World Is A Drawing | Teen Ink

The World Is A Drawing

January 10, 2016
By Emeleon BRONZE, Davis, California
Emeleon BRONZE, Davis, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world is a drawing

Nothing is real

No matter how it seems

Don't trust what you feel.

The ground you walk on

The feet that carry you

The wind that blows through your hair

Even your hair itself

You feel those chills

And experience the pain

You can fall in love

And kiss in the rain

Watch the sun rise

Then watch as it sets

See as the moon replaces it

And hear how the wolves cry.

Surround yourself with people

And build strong bonds

Observe the things around you

And watch as life goes on

But don't believe your eyes

Because deep down inside you know

It's all a bunch of lies.

The author's comments:

Was feeling pessimistic

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