Who I am | Teen Ink

Who I am

February 9, 2016
By dj1831 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
dj1831 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from grass stains on my pants,
or being stuck in a tree
mom yelling, “get down from there going to get hurt.”

I am from watching my dad work on trucks, cars, to snowmobiles.
From me learning what I could grasp about 
car, trucks, to snowmobiles...

I am dark moon lit nights
playing ghost in the graveyard in the open field
with neighbors and friends.

I will be
the smell of two stoke on  jacket
and the need for speed.

I am a grease monkey from head to toe
by working on buddy trucks and car
in the shop for hours having a good time...

I am anxious to go on motorcycle ride
with the crew tell we don't know where we are
so we have to turn around.

I am the smell of campfire smoke
to going camping on weekend
to getting blamed for crashing the golf cart.

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