See it Now? | Teen Ink

See it Now? MAG

March 7, 2016
By Torina_Black SILVER, Laurel, Maryland
Torina_Black SILVER, Laurel, Maryland
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

we are dead weight
when we wake;
blank minds shipped off
with tired faces
ready to be told what we feel and
how to do so.
– because
we’ve started seeing in nothing more than
black and white.
– because mornings mean sluggish pencils
on paper, not
sunrises or fresh air.
We’re taught to
so that we have become
The Blind Generation,
who would sooner swoon over a pop idol
on a tiny shining screen
all the while driving
under an elegant sky –
painted by the artists of passing,
bringing about the blue day,
carrying the dark
away with

of violet imaginations
and pink-white silk daydreams
that used to make us human.

The author's comments:

This is just a piece I wrote while sitting on a bus, and seeing everyone on their phones rather than appreciating the beautiful sunrise that was right outside. 

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