World War | Teen Ink

World War

June 19, 2016
By winty_bearz SILVER, Murray Bridge East, Arkansas
winty_bearz SILVER, Murray Bridge East, Arkansas
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
once we open are eyes to it, it always there

Hurry up and attack
Who cares
Just don't look back
Keep heading up the track
Or else I'll snap

The author's comments:

I wrote this in the aspect of a commander at war, ordering the soldiers to fight. The emotion I aimed for was careless, impatient and secretive. As I've been looking into the wars, commenly foundwas that the men fighting thought it was to protect their country, but that had not been the case. So the poems aspect was attempting to catch a glance at the the orders that were being given from the ones who knew the real reason to why everyone was battling eachother.  

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This article has 1 comment.

Calum SILVER said...
on Jul. 3 2016 at 2:06 pm
Calum SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 25 comments
This is good. A little short for my taste, but good rhyme scheme. However, I don't think the commanders of any major war are careless, and often neither impatient or secretive. Many of the men knew what they were going into, on the secretive side. As for careless, no army commander can be careless. I think the reason orders were given with such haste was that if the commanders stopped to think about what they were doing, the lives they were taking, it would overwhelm them. They had made it rational in their heads, but it was fragile, and if they stopped to think, the horror of it all would catch up to them. And no one can deal with that. not careless, they couldn't escape caring, but they tried so hard. So hard.