The Broken Mirror | Teen Ink

The Broken Mirror

March 29, 2018
By DragonLady BRONZE, Champlin, Minnesota
DragonLady BRONZE, Champlin, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being weird isn&#039;t bad, it just means you&#039;re brave enough to be yourself.<br /> -Luna Lovegood

We see ourselves
Through a broken mirror

We go to it
To love a shell
Grease and combs
Held together
With smudges of lipstick

It sees nothing but sameness
Whits of color
Smeared to grey
Like a painting
Left in the rain

But once we come to it
With bruised lips
And shattered faces
Searching for more lies to believe
The glass mends
And shows us
Who we always were

The author's comments:

This poem reflects how we worship our images. We cover ourselves in makeup and fashion to overcome the fact that we are insecure, and when our lives fall apart and our appearance is the only thing we have, we will realize how irrelevant it is and how we missed out on the important things in life.

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