Sheer Nothingness | Teen Ink

Sheer Nothingness

June 8, 2012
By Stephie_G BRONZE, Calgary, Other
Stephie_G BRONZE, Calgary, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Spread your wings and fly. You'll never know how high you can fly until you try. - Quoted from my fridge magnet.

My world is empty
My life means nothing
I have no one
I am nothing
My life is war torn
My body is bruised.
A liar, a thief.
is that who I am?
They name me and
Insult me.
and with nothing to say
I just bow my head and
walk away.
Why are we so different?
I am in pain
But she is in bliss
Why do I hold a grudge?
I already accepted that
She is pretty much better than me.
With so many questions and
so little time. I just don't
know how to answer it all.

The author's comments:
I was writing this in a hurry to get something in for my oral in English. I was supposed to say the oral in front of the whole class, of course. So while I was waiting for it to be my turn I wrote this down on a little piece of paper and completely looked it over and said to the whole class without one look at the paper.It was supposed to be on the book " Road to Chlifa".

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