My depressing weekend | Teen Ink

My depressing weekend

May 20, 2013
By jessicatw BRONZE, NY, New York
jessicatw BRONZE, NY, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My depressing weekend
The breeze today is soft and calming.
The air isn’t thick with water
The ground without damage
But the sky is dark. Filled with clouds
Blocked the sea of blue that covers the earth in a thick layer
The white clouds slowly becoming gray like my soul
The sun shines trying to peek through to touch the beauty of life on earth
The clouds start to clump together creating a blockade
The sun has stopped trying to get through. It has backed away and let itself lean on the clouds
The earth dips into a dark desperate place where everything is turned over by the pins and needles brought down by the clouds.
The light hasn’t reached today. better hope for tomorrow.

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