The Rain | Teen Ink

The Rain

October 14, 2015
By mmariaquery BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
mmariaquery BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once I start to hear

the light sounds of the
rain tapping on my window
the dark gloomy day
of grey clouds and cool breeze,
turned into jumping in puddles
of cold muddy water
and cold damp clothes

stepping into the warm
heated house, sends shivers
up my back causing the hair
on my arms to stick up
The damp clothes stick to my skin
warm sweaters and fuzzy socks
replace the cold clothes
covered in mud

wrapped in cozy blankets
my eyes begin to close
my mind drifts off
into crazy thoughts
as I close my eyes
and fall asleep

The author's comments:

This is what I did when it rained when I was younger 

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