Night of Ice | Teen Ink

Night of Ice

July 1, 2014
By Seachelle17 BRONZE, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Seachelle17 BRONZE, Idaho Falls, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ice rose out of the deep blue mist
A glimmer of light in a sea of dark
From the eyes up above the world turned to glass
And time froze; not a breath, not a spark

The eyes of the night had not seen it
Until, like a monster it stared
Out of the cold of the water
Forehead gleaming, and fangs of white bared

When it hit, the people came rushing
Out of their rooms, faces aglow
One asked, “Are we going to die?”
At the time, the answer was no

But when the calls went unanswered
And the bow started slowly to dip
All those who refused to acknowledge their fate
Now insisted they’d go down with the ship

The still of the night quickly shattered
With the screams and the yells from outside
As the water poured in through the windows
It washed away vain, empty pride

In the morning the sun illuminated
The frozen bodies of one thousand men
What they all believed to be a new beginning
Instead was a terrible end

Home went the cold survivors
With the lesson they’d learned that night
That boasting is useless and fruitless
If one cannot stand up to the fight

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