Daydreams and Nightmares | Teen Ink

Daydreams and Nightmares

July 14, 2014
By Lostinadarkworld BRONZE, Queens, New York
Lostinadarkworld BRONZE, Queens, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Turn over a new leaf, f*** it turn over the whole tree.&rdquo; <br /> ― Pete Wentz

I touch your shoulder
Freezing like arctic water
I couldn’t get to you
My connection didn’t last long
Not even going wireless worked for us
I dropped my heart a long time ago
So I stepped on it this time
You came out of a nightmare
You came out of a nightmare
An unnatural creature that haunts me every night
I can feel those cold eyes just watching from a far
You were a daydream
You were the perfect daydream
But you’re nothing more than a monster
That is now looking for me
In the dark forest at night
Your eyes were black but now they’re glowing red
They don’t take a break
They’re always staring
I feel like I was just another victim
I’ll stop myself
I can stop myself
I won’t let you bite me
Even though its already happened
I won’t let history repeat itself
There is no one else in the world
Who I will let crawl on my skin
So they can have a taste of my blood
My blood is meant to stay in my body
And not enter anyone else’s
Especially a pest like you
Just another one of my nightmares come to life
I saw it coming
But I didn’t act at all
I make mistakes like everyone else
You treated me like a princess
Maybe not like a Queen
Cause I’m not a ruler
I lost my mind already
She stole it all
Put me back in my jail cell
I already lost it
I already lost it
You are nightmare
You are the creature from my nightmares
You just came to life
Used to be a daydream that I smiled at
But now you’re a monster
You’re nothing but a cold blooded monster
That craves my pain and blood
But this time I won’t let anyone crawl on my skin
No one is going to take a bite
Her sin was envy and greed
It got the best of her
She was jealous of me cause I had it all
So she turned you into the creature from my nightmares
Only smiling as she controls you
Both of your eyes glowing at night
Giving away your spot
I want to get rid of this curse
Get rid of it
I’m not going to be your puppet in this game
I’m surviving and I will go on for now
And forever
I don’t look for solutions that last forever
If they at least result in a temporary break
Then it’s fine
But she made me lose all the hope I had
She took all I had
Everything that made me smile
She’s gonna lose it all
She’s gonna lose it all
You are a creature from nightmares
You are monster that looks for me at night
All I can do is try to survive
But I now know how to get you out of here
I’ll set a flame to everything you love now
So leave my sight
Or your world will become nothing but ashes

The author's comments:
This poem is based on something that has happened to me. Part of my poetry book as well.

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