The One | Teen Ink

The One

November 5, 2014
By Anonymous

He was the one, that lied

While looking straight into my eyes

I was the one whe tried

Ive said my Goodbyes

When you were down

I was the one there for you

I herd of you running around town

My Ex friend said she Slept with you

Now you sayin you miss me

I shouldn`t have stayed with you

You want to get back with me.?

Dont take me as a fool

Why was i so blind

You said i`m always on your mind

Get back with you.?!

I`m not stupid

One mistake was enough, I`m done with you

I once was addicted

I`m not hating on you

Don`t get me wrong we can stay friends

Just wanted you to know my feelings Were True

I guess having a Boyfriend

Was rite everything comes to a End

The author's comments:

I had an Ex that cheated on me, with multiulple people. i still chose to stay with him, i chose to beleive him. after a while i hated feeling like i was getting compared to his "Ex`s" so i said enough. and broke up with him.

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