Gratitude | Teen Ink


September 22, 2022
By Hibah BRONZE, Karachi, Other
Hibah BRONZE, Karachi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be like water, my friend!

I beheld my cousin lying on her bed

With streams flowing from eyes red

Piles of presents invisible and dead

As her birthday into the darkness fled

Cheeks glistening, and streaked

Her ego, as always, towards the sky crept

She pounced on me and proudly held

The birthday card which she had snatched

Which said-”Gratefulness- a virtue missing

In many and a must in most, look around

The world is filled to the brim 

With things to be thankful for

Lust for hoarding things is the poison 

And gratitude for visible things is the antidote.”

The author's comments:

Hey, I am an aspiring and budding writer, putting in my best efforts to every piece I produce. This one is a sonnet dedicated to the World Peace And Gratitude Day. 

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