Discoveries | Teen Ink


August 4, 2024
By libraryghost PLATINUM, Lynnwood, Washington
libraryghost PLATINUM, Lynnwood, Washington
32 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one really understands each other. We're all just stuck inside ourselves." Aza, Turtles All the Way Down

Is the creek shallower?

Or have I only grown.

Am I really lost?

Or simply just alone.


The blackberries aren't the same

Without my brothers here.

The good ones are far

and the unripe ones, near.


The forest has gone wild

Taken back its land.

And we have just let it,

Even lending it a hand.


Summer's not as it was, as it was before...

Cause now I am the guest, the forest giving me a tour.

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