moving on | Teen Ink

moving on

January 1, 2012
By mandykookoo BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
mandykookoo BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
M: &quot;I hear your heart beat Wendla.<br /> W: Melchi--I don&#039;t know.<br /> M: No matter where I am I hear it beating.<br /> W: And I hear yours. <br /> dont know...<br /> M: Wendla...<br /> W: Wait, stop. I can&#039;t. We&#039;re not supposed to.<br /> M: What? Not supposed to what? Love? I don&#039;t know, is there such a thing? I hear your heart...I feel you breathing-everywhere. The rain, the hay...Please. Please Wendla.&quot;<br /> -Stephen Sater, SPRING AWAKENING

Middle of the night when she gets the call,
She’s all alone with no one to hold her hand.
Speeds to the hospital, runs down the hall.
Doctors try to tell her, doesn’t understand.
Sits by his side, still not sure what happened.
They both know his end is drawing nearer,
And then he’s gone and she feels abandoned.
She wonders why him, answers aren’t clearer.
Now she visits his grave, tells him how it’s going.
Her voice chokes up, as her tears hit the dirt
Hugs herself tight, a cold wind is blowing
What they don’t tell you is how much it hurts.
She takes a deep breath, admits that he’s gone
And thinks to her self, “Will I ever move on?”

The author's comments:
wrote this for an english assignment, thought it was okay.

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