Sonnet 8 | Teen Ink

Sonnet 8

March 11, 2012
By jenna morin BRONZE, Boliingbrook, Illinois
jenna morin BRONZE, Boliingbrook, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She sees me and my love is strongly known.
Forgive my past and please be my future.
Let her see my deepest secrets, be known.
Care for me, be my covering structure.
Kill her with kindness and tell her no lies.
She is now the sun on my gloomy days.
Tells me to keep her, looks into my eyes
Feels emotions like a strong wind, always
This is not something that can just be made
Though it was not expected when we met
Our trust and feelings something not to fade
No chance for leaving no reason to fret
She is the reason I feel, lets me see
We are transcendent, our love can just be.

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