My little love | Teen Ink

My little love

March 22, 2012
By Thalia3014 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Thalia3014 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first time i saw you,we shared love
I glanced into your cute eyes and saw joy
You were as white and gentle as a dove
My first gift to you was my first old toy
I remember when you took your first step
At first it was harmless,but then you ran
We ran together but you had much pep
I try to catch up but you just began
My love for you is like the blazing sun
That it's so radiant that it burns the eyes
Your smile keeps me running so childish and fun
When my heart is around you it flies high
I enjoy a lot seeing you grow up
Little brother you always warm me up

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