The Comma | Teen Ink

The Comma

May 16, 2012
By pl1324 BRONZE, Commack, New York
pl1324 BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are many types of punctuation,
But the comma triumphs over them all!
Commas have numerous applications;
Without them, many sentences would fall!

Separate many phrases, clauses, words,
Combine sent’ces, start a friendly letter!
Tell your friends where you found those pretty birds,
Write about your large, blue, fluffy checkers!

Properly cite your inge’nous proverbs,
Directly address people by first name!
Use them after introduct’ry adverbs,
Corral apos’tives into a plane!

Those are just some of the awesome ways
Which make the comma a fantastic craze!

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