Can we change tonight? | Teen Ink

Can we change tonight?

May 27, 2012
By toluspencer BRONZE, Houston, Texas
toluspencer BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do we hate people we do not know?
Why so we spread lies and hate?
We should be nice and help each other grow
Society will be dead if we keep going at the rate.
Killing each other, killing ourselves is life today
Innocents getting rapped and bullied like the runner of the kite.
Do you think God wanted things this way?
Do you think he thinks this is right?
Think long and hard about your violent acts
Think about going to jail and calling your homie on the phone.
The people you kill for, y’all claim to have each others back
But when it comes down to it, we both know you’re all alone.

I’m sure you know wrong from right

So please tell me, can we change tonight?

The author's comments:
The amount of deaths in my area, and around my friends inspired me to write this.

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