Endless love | Teen Ink

Endless love

July 7, 2012
By Devonaire Chambliss BRONZE, Elgin, South Carolina
Devonaire Chambliss BRONZE, Elgin, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Endless love
We are together will never fall apart,

Together forever we shall be.

We are a great piece of art.

Our love is like dept of the sea

I hope in time you never leave me,

I hope our love stays endless.

Let your heart let me keep the key.

My life with you is at its best.

I would never trade anything for this,

No word can describe you.

To live eternally with you would be my only wish

This love would last forever I knew

When I’m around you, butterflies in my stomach swirl,

You are my world

The author's comments:
Well this poem inspire me because when I was in a relationship, this is the feelings I had and hope to have again in my next relationship. Those who think they will never find their "endless love", I tell you, you will find them in time there's someone out there, just take time to search and don't rush anything.

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