I Love You | Teen Ink

I Love You

October 31, 2012
By AshSS BRONZE, Palmer, Alaska
AshSS BRONZE, Palmer, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Boys are stupid" -Alexandre LeMaster

When I see you,
My hear skips a beat,
My eyes light up,
To yours they meet,
I love you,

When I hear your voice,
My mind goes crazy,
And I'm wonder-struck,
All by words from your mouth,
I love you,

When you come near,
From across the room,
My heart tap-dances,
And I smile,

All of this is because,
Because I love you

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a boy who was in a class I was in before I moved away.

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