Tiger Lilly | Teen Ink

Tiger Lilly

December 19, 2012
By TheDemigod BRONZE, Chesterland, Ohio
TheDemigod BRONZE, Chesterland, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nihil Temptatum, Nihil Potitum<br /> <br /> &quot;I wish none of this had ever happened&quot; &quot;So do all who see such times, but that is not for them to decide, all you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given with you&quot;

As twilight greets the setting sun,
It dawns on me that she's the one.
Into my dreams I do descend,
And truthfulness my mind does bend.

I dance with her on piers and boards,
The moon and stars gaze down like lords.
With purest voice and brightest eyes,
She sends my soul to highest highs.

Is now I learn to love again,
Through arrogance I lost my reign.
You're with me here to lead me straight,
These are the workings of our fate.

But more than ethics I relearn,
a fire in my soul does burn.
For not since older days ago,
My heart does gambol to and fro.

For she of forte does impress,
And her appearance: most wond'rous.
With pretty smile and raven hair,
Her beauty stuns, so new and rare.

And should it fall from her so lastly,
With subtle grace. Tiger Lilly.

The author's comments:
I wrote it for a girl, and then didn't end up giving it to her till about 4 months after I stopped liking her. Moral of the story. Carpe Diem!

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