The Beginning | Teen Ink

The Beginning

January 16, 2013
By luvable BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
luvable BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You came in new but, then became the best
Beseech you but was sc'red to find the truth
Didn't want to meddle since I was basest
Several days of cogitations of youth

I was immortal just being with him
I felt liable 'bout your happiness
Others mettle between us, loath to dim
Everyday with you, incences Christmas

I could not redress you cuz y'or perfect
It was obscurely to know what you felt
You ask me in my dreams and I accept
It was real and my heart st'rted to melt

Couldn't believe it but I couldn't make a scene
A new chapter started on eight eighteen

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