Ye Olde Sonnet of the Birds | Teen Ink

Ye Olde Sonnet of the Birds

May 16, 2013
By mau_ey BRONZE, Murray, Utah
mau_ey BRONZE, Murray, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bare earth. It grows
The world in turn turns the sun
From which all energy flows.
The spring we watch; it has begun.
Leave somber tones and cries behind
Only what's now of hope and love
Will awake true thoughts of the human mind
Robins, finches, bluejays, doves
Flutter softly against the breeze
But look above! Beneath the clouds
A falcon descends with awesome ease
And encircles the birds from all around
And with one glare, at them he stares
The birds come tumbling down.

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