Nature's Change | Teen Ink

Nature's Change

October 11, 2013
By ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
ginac21 SILVER, New City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The golden tint of sun has gone to rest,
Cold wind so sharp, has bit me at the nose,
The leaves that fell and lost their painted zest,
And now, the door for summer must be closed
The scarf, its knitwear scratches at my throat
I grab my hat and shove it on my head,
The breeze too cold to not put on a coat,
Its fleece resembling blankets in my bed
The swaying trees they swing from side to side,
The clouds have joined in such a wide array,
And now I know it’s time to head inside,
Although my eyes desire and beg to stay
True beauty lies within this treasured find,
How nature’s touched the plants and all its kind.

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