Alone | Teen Ink


December 26, 2013
By JustinKneedler BRONZE, Westmoreland, Tennessee
JustinKneedler BRONZE, Westmoreland, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is it like to be all on your own?
Do you know that it is not all lonely?
Do you know that you are not the only?
Sometimes it is just part of being grown.

Often we take for granted those we love.
Not knowing that one day it disappears.
Not knowing that it may be a few years.
So hold on tightly and put them above!

We never know when our time is over.
Until it is too late we then meet fate.
Nothing will be left maybe a clover.
All that will be left could be a debate.

Do not let your family slip away.
Embrace them every single day!

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