These cuts will never heal. | Teen Ink

These cuts will never heal.

March 19, 2014
By MeganBee BRONZE, Spring, Texas
MeganBee BRONZE, Spring, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"forgiveness is the final form of love"

The way you looked at me showed me your” love”,
You hurt me and got deep inside my head,
You are the one that I used to dream of,
You just used me to get into my bed.

And now she has to leave me forever,
I wont ever get to watch her smile big,
Wont ever get to hold her, not ever,
And now its her grave that I have do dig.

You hurt me and you broke my fragile heart,
It hurts hunter, it really, really hurts,
That you had to rip my heart all apart,
And now all these cuts will never heal.

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