Drunk In Love | Teen Ink

Drunk In Love

April 10, 2014
By YungMitch BRONZE, Missouri City, Texas
YungMitch BRONZE, Missouri City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

When I bought my first pair of Ewing’s shoes
I felt an affection with the style that I seen
Tons of people said that I look very very clean
People asked where I got them, only gave them clues
They couldn’t find the shoes and didn’t know what to do
People began to think I was being mean
Mad cause I’m the only on with these on the scene
I love them sincerely, they are my favorite shoes

People commended me like I was a lost king
People asked for autographs like I was a star
I didn’t know people got that excited over some-thing
I almost got jumped, POW! Leaving with many scars
Never knew these shoes could be as deadly as tar
But still, nobody could find where I got my Ewing’s

The author's comments:
Ms. Ponder, my English teacher made me do it. It was hard but I did it.

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