My Theatre Award | Teen Ink

My Theatre Award

April 10, 2014
By Legendary BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Legendary BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Morales always used to say,
"Acting is Reacting," and it was so,
During each many millions a play,
We followed this creed to better our show;
This little trinket I earned with service,
Part of the Thespian Society,
Only for actors who do deserve it,
To be in a group that is unity.
My induction like roaring lions team
I recieved this award while on the rise,
I wear it each day with its glamming gleam
For this I hold dear as a Nobel Prize;
Now as I stand before you all today,
I am an Actor, and there I shall stay.

The author's comments:
This sonnet is about one of my prized awards, but it is also one of my most prized possesions, for it reminds me that I am a part of something much bigger than I am.

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