The Dream Come True | Teen Ink

The Dream Come True

April 11, 2014
By Sophie137 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Sophie137 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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The love I have for her is for granted
I adore her as I admire myself
I just hope she won’t feel so abandoned
Doom doom doom, by looking at her I fall
Seeing her be fortunate with her life,
Knowing that she won’t let me down at all,
It’s actually hard to sacrifice.
Conjuring her up in a masquerade ball-
It was like she was just born yesterday
A seraph who has arrived Di Gi Ling;
Her herself is my number one concern,
All of this seems as a theatrical role,
It is what it is, you are my headache,
You might just be everyone’s sugar cake

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