You're here forever. | Teen Ink

You're here forever.

April 11, 2014
By Sydney Hayes BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Sydney Hayes BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eight diamonds on a heart, WAY too much bling.
A gift from dad so he’s always with me.
Engraved and written, “I love you Sydney.”
My mom thinks it’s dumb, it’s my favored thing.
A king and his princess, a princess and king.
His love is wondrous and also is he.
Forever I’ll be his little sweet pea.
Hmm, I wonder if he’ll be home in spring.
Two hearts conjoined to a silver chain.
Reminding me of our hearts together.
When I’m wearing it, I’m absent from pain.
As unseen as raining cats and dogs weather.
Some have nothing to lose, with you I gain.
With this necklace, you’re here forever.

The author's comments:
English III assignment, but I kind of like what I wrote.

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