Stranger | Teen Ink


November 24, 2014
By KuraiKotoba BRONZE, San Diego, CA, California
KuraiKotoba BRONZE, San Diego, CA, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Get off the ledge and drop the knife<br /> Not a victim of a victim&#039;s life<br /> Because this ain&#039;t a room full of suicides<br /> We&#039;re believers, I believe tonight&quot; (&quot;Save Yourself, I&#039;ll Hold Them Back&quot;,My Chemical Romance)

How must you hasten your change?
Soul torn from white to black
As the fleeting words arrange
Your soul in shards and tack

Before the sands arise
The red strings wrapped my arm
For your intentions strewn in eyes
Your words caressed me to unharm

For as the moon rose full
Your actions formed to oppose
Your gem strewn eyes turned dull
As the black turned to arose

Let this be my final apology, my final leave to tune
I'll leave you be, I'll leave you alone, I no longer know you

The author's comments:



Red Strings- The "Red Strings of Fate" are seen in Japanese and Chinese mythology to show someone's soul mate. (Not complete definition so search it up if you need more clearance.) This is used in the poem as a sign of love.


White- Sign of Purity


Black- Sign of Impurity such as the 7 Deadly Sins


Full Moon- Sign of a new year


Sands- Sands of Time

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