Unsaid Heart | Teen Ink

Unsaid Heart

November 24, 2014
By KuraiKotoba BRONZE, San Diego, CA, California
KuraiKotoba BRONZE, San Diego, CA, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Get off the ledge and drop the knife<br /> Not a victim of a victim&#039;s life<br /> Because this ain&#039;t a room full of suicides<br /> We&#039;re believers, I believe tonight&quot; (&quot;Save Yourself, I&#039;ll Hold Them Back&quot;,My Chemical Romance)

Our paths align as the stars cross
For the strings of fate shall wrap
Only shall mine do, for yours is loss
How shall I break of the prison entrapped?

Beautiful as the soul of you
Your words caress this darkness
For they stitch the broken noon
Save the tears of hardness

Sands of time passes for I grow my love
These prison gates for hold feelings
These words are the ever trapped dove
I wish to speak yet I am kneeling

These sands of time shall sand the prison gates for which hold my heart
So hold still my love for I'll tell my soul, til I fall apart

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