Haven to belong | Teen Ink

Haven to belong

January 6, 2015
By BekahBird BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
BekahBird BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is something inherently striking,

Of the dance of fingers on ivory keys.

Lucid movement of a mind thinking,

Sound creating feeling that the blind eye sees.

Music, infinitely deeper then sound alone,

Tells a story, declares a jocund dream.

Illuminates a wish that had gone unknown,

Reality thoroughly lost in beautiful gleam.

It stirs something deep within a heart,

The desire to love the uninhibited.

And as the music begins to depart,

You wake, shocked by feelings elicited.

There is more then simple notes in a song,

It gives your soul a haven to belong.

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