Silent Pain | Teen Ink

Silent Pain

February 24, 2015
By whodoiwant2b BRONZE, ENID, Oklahoma
whodoiwant2b BRONZE, ENID, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have a feeling called "The Silent Pain."

My whole world has been beaten and broken down.

In this world, there is nothing left for me to gain.

I might as well just drown.

As my wrists bleed, it becomes harder for me to strain.

Life makes me frown.


Others see me in the day

and think I'm doing well.

I feel like moving away

and entering my own hell.

I then think of "him", I want to make him pay.

Without making a sound, I want to scream and yell.


Time hasn't healed my pain at all.

The ache is building in my chest.

I have begun to create a wall.

I wish this would end, I need rest.

I want to quiet my fears.

But instead I just shed these silent tears.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this based off of a story one of my friend's wrote.

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