Time Flies | Teen Ink

Time Flies

May 7, 2015
By Niaz Khorrami BRONZE, Foster City, California
Niaz Khorrami BRONZE, Foster City, California
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

 We were happy even on gloomy days,

We occupied our time in so many ways.
With hopscotch, jump rope, and four square too,
There wasn’t a day where we had nothing to do.

We slowly grew older and our perspective changed,
We saw the world in a different way than we had arranged.
With responsibilities, grades, and nervous first dates,
We suddenly had so much on our plates.

We now had a huge decision on our hands,
Whether we would go to college or just create a band.
With Columbia, UCLA, and Stanford calling our names,
There was no more time for playing silly games.

We then grew old and time passed away,
Loved ones lost and our memories beginning to stray.
Our time on Earth would slowly come to an end,
But it was well spent, no need to pretend.

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