That Girl | Teen Ink

That Girl

May 20, 2015
By Jadie Chauncey BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
Jadie Chauncey BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She was the girl people wanted to be.
She was the sun who brightened up the room.
Her true self was very hard to see.
No one saw how she hid her gloom.

At thirteen she got a job to help pay,
for the clothes she used to cover the truth.
She walked to work after school every day.
She worked hard like a horse all through her youth.

Once, she decided to take of her mask.
She realized her fake friends weren't worth a dime.
“Is this a joke?” people decided to ask.
The truth was uncovered in little time.

The rumors started to run around school.
No one was impressed when she tried her best.
She wondered why people thought she was a fool.
One day she chose to put herself to rest.

The author's comments:

This piece was written to show the world that their actions do affect others. You should never judge someone by the way they look. Some people can not help their appereance. The world needs to know that they can completly change someone's life.

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