Knights of the Hills Country | Teen Ink

Knights of the Hills Country

January 25, 2019
By JustinVang21 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
JustinVang21 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Travel when you can, money comes and money goes.

Knights of the Hills Country is a book that tell you about football, keeping your head up no matter how you are, and two best friend who would ride & die for one another. This book will tells you why a best friend is just your brother from another mother.

Knights of the Hill Country is a high school, that two best friend name Hampton, and Blaine attend to. Hampton and Blaine both first met each other in middle school when Hampton was interested into Football. Hamp father abandoned Hamp and his mother when Hampton was born. Hampton was poor, by his mother working 1 job and not enough for the both of them and Hampton the only child.  Blaine never let Hampton down and never let Hampton head down, Hampton visit Blaine house like it was his own house, Hampton also called Blaine dad like his dad because Blaine was always there for Hampton and treated Hampton like he was his own son .Hampton and Blaine play football for Knights of the Hill Country, since Hampton was a big guy he was the main guy of the line and Blaine was a wide receiver. Knights of the Hills Country was 5 years undefeated straight and unstopped, until Knights of the Hill Country lost one game to the Oklahoma City, the team who almost ended Blaine nee and his career but Hampton didn’t let it go because someone on the other team was with a broken nee just . Blaine never let any of the Oklahoma boys that enter Knights of the Hills Country escape without a fight or a problems with them.

You should read this book, because Hampton is a strong person, for example; he went through without his father and living with his mother, not having enough money, and being poor. Hampton a person who is really protected man around friends, and his mothers, Hampton never like mans who is his mom boyfriends, because he’s scared that  his mother would be broken down like before.

Knights of the Hills Country is amazing to view. Bring out how a Son can be even though you are living through poorness and it gives you a example that never let anything bring you down and don’t let it affect your future and what you’re reaching for.

                                                                             By: Justin Vang

The author's comments:

This book teach you even though if you struugling through life, don't let your poorness affect you from start to your future. 


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