Bull Rider By Marilyn Halvorson | Teen Ink

Bull Rider By Marilyn Halvorson

April 23, 2009
By Francisco Sanchez-Perez BRONZE, White Plains, New York
Francisco Sanchez-Perez BRONZE, White Plains, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Bull In You
Bull Rider
By Marilyn Halvorson
Orca Book Publishers, $9.95

Publisher, Price

.“All I know is that I watched a bull kill my husband and there’s no way I’ll risk watching one kill my son.” These words of Mother after her son Layne tells her that he is going to bull ride in the upcoming rodeo. The story of Bull Rider is about a mother that doesn’t want her son to bull ride. In the book the father of a son and a husband of a wife died will riding on a bull.

In the book a teenager wants to ride a bull but his mother won’t let him because she is scared he might get hurt. Terror his younger sister wants to help him sneak out to the rodeo she is going to be on a horse and lasso the bull. Jana is the girl that he likes he uses her farm to practice cause she has bulls but her father doesn't know they use the place. Chase is Jana’s grandpa and he teaches him all he knows about bull riding.

The Dialogue in the novel is wonderful they display the love that a mom has for her family. In the novel they the mother of a son is telling him not to bull ride because of what happened her husband died when a bull killed him and I think its touching how she doesn’t what that to happened to her son.

The author displayed the characters in an excellent way. The author talks about chase in a positive way. Chase is a person that helped Layne he was teaching him how to bull ride he is an important character and the author displayed that nicely. Chase is Jana’s grandfather he taught him everything he knew.
This book shows the main plot events. When you read them is like you are actually there like I the beginning when the mom and Layne were fighting because Layne is planning to ride a bull but the mom doesn’t let him and they have a big conflict. There is also a time when he goes to Jana’s to practice and try’s to ride a bull called rhino he bucks the hardest from her bulls. He actually goes there a lot to practice. So this book has some phenomenal plot events.
In the book me and Layne are alike and we did the same thing. Me and Layne both tried to do something with out permission. When he went to the rodeo with out his mom knowing. I went to the galleria will my mom was cooking and she already said I couldn't but I still went and I got grounded. Also when Layne went to Jana’s farm when her father isn’t there he goes to the farm to practice. I did the same thing but I went to one of my friends house when his parents weren’t there and I got in trouble for being there.
I think this book is appropriate for kids from the ages of 10-14 this book is for kids that like adventure and also drama but it doesn't have a lot of it. I think this book is excellent this book is about a family and those are my favorite kind of books. This book is also good because there big stuff happening like for example a person could be doing one thing and another person doing another thing.


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