Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer | Teen Ink

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

November 8, 2009
By csughrue BRONZE, Plainville, Massachusetts
csughrue BRONZE, Plainville, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Another snarl crawls out of the mouth of an angry, anxious vampire waiting for one of the enemies watching with marvelous deep red eyes, to explode. They are ready to fight, to defend their family. The silence grows and all a person can hear is the heavy breathing of large werewolves, and the faith beating of a small child's heart. This describes one of the most intense scenes in Stephanie Meyer's book, Breaking Dawn. Breaking Dawn is the last book in Meyer's series The Twilight Saga. It follows the three other books in the series, with the Bella and Edward's love story. In this book, after Edward and Bella get married, Bella becomes pregnant with a half vampire, half human child, and suddenly it becomes a struggle for her life. This 754 page fantasy book is definitely worth reading; it is filled with suspense, excitement, humor, and love that will keep the reader itching to know what happens next. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would give it about a 9. It's the perfect book for someone who loves a happily ever after and a love story.


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